Live Events
Live artistic events are growing in popularity, giving brands and events a truly unique experience for their customers. We are available for on-sight, public and private events and hope to bring a stylish flair to your wedding, blogger event, fashion show, store opening, and more.

Live Fashion Illustration
Put your guests or products in the limelight with on-site, live fashion illustrations. Opt for traditional paper-and-ink fashion illustrations or add a twist with digital fashion illustration; drawings done using an iPad to capture clients at their most fabulous. Either option is wonderful for guests to experience and are priced the same. Physical illustrations are a unique, tangible memory to take home, and digital illustrations are sent directly to customer's phones or emails.
Live Illustration FAQ

Live Painting
Where live illustration events are all about quick, fun pieces for guests to enjoy individually, live painting events allow attendees to witness one artwork being created throughout the entire event. We will brainstorm with you to determine what size, subject matter, and medium are appropriate for the event and time frame. Depending on the medium used, pieces may be delivered immediately after the event, or finished back at the studio and returned. Paintings can be done in a variety of mediums; oil on canvas, acrylic, watercolor, even marker on glass - let your creative wheels start turning!
Style Examples